Stand Up for Your Freedom: How Standing Powered Wheelchairs Change Lives


Have you ever thought about what it would be like to lose your ability to stand up out of your wheelchair? For many wheelchair users, standing up provides psychological and physical benefits that significantly

improve quality of life. Now, thanks to innovative standing power wheelchairs, wheelchair users have the freedom to stand up whenever and wherever they choose.

You've probably seen traditional power wheelchairs that move around but don't allow the user to stand. New standing power wheelchairs are revolutionizing mobility by enabling wheelchair users to elevate to a full standing position with the press of a button. If you spend most of your time sitting, you know how good it feels to stand up and move around. For wheelchair users, the ability to stand at will provides similar benefits like improved circulation, better respiration, less pain, and increased independence and self-confidence.

Standing power wheelchairs are changing lives by restoring the freedom of natural movement and a sense of normalcy that most of us take for granted in our daily activities. The technology provides a gateway to new possibilities and a brighter outlook for the future. If you or someone you know relies on a wheelchair, it's time to stand up for your freedom. Standing power wheelchairs can get you there.

Stand-up Mobility

The Benefits of a Standing Electric Wheelchair

A standing electric wheelchair offers many benefits over a standard power chair.

Improved Health

Spending more time standing can help reduce health risks associated with prolonged sitting, such as circulation problems, muscle loss, and pressure sores. Standing also helps stretch and strengthen your muscles and joints, improving flexibility and range of motion.

Increased Independence

With the ability to stand, you gain access to more areas in your home as well as public places. Easily reach higher cupboards and shelves in your kitchen, see over counters, and have conversations with people at eye level. Standing also makes it easier to transfer to and from other seats.

Better Quality of Life

Standing up provides psychological and social benefits. At eye level with others, you can feel more engaged in conversations and less isolated. Simple pleasures like hugging a friend or family member become possible again. Standing also leads to improved mood and less depression or anxiety.

Safer Mobility

Standing power wheelchairs typically have more stability and balance than standard chairs, allowing for safer mobility over varied terrain like grass, gravel and ramps. The power standing feature gives you a higher vantage point to see your surroundings, spot obstacles and navigate tight spaces. Some standing chairs even let you walk short distances using your remaining leg strength and the support of the chair.

While a standing power wheelchair requires an initial investment, the rewards of improved health, independence and quality of life are priceless. If you or a loved one relies on a wheelchair, a standing chair could change your life. Talk to your doctor or mobility equipment provider to find out if this empowering technology is right for you.

Top Features to Look for in a Standing Powered Wheelchair

When choosing a standing powered wheelchair, look for certain features that will make standing and moving around as easy and independent as possible.

Powerful motors

You'll want a chair with strong motors that can lift you smoothly to a full standing position and move at a decent speed. Look for motors with at least 5-10 miles of range per charge so you have enough juice to get around all day.

Adjustable armrests

Armrests that flip up and out of the way when standing allow for easier transfers and more mobility. Some chairs offer armrests that can also be adjusted to different heights for maximum comfort and support whether sitting or standing.


A tilt-in-space feature allows the entire seat to tilt back while the chair remains stationary. This makes standing up much easier and safer as you can first tilt back to take pressure off your legs before the lift mechanism raises you to a standing position.

Fold-down footplates

Footplates that flip up when standing enable you to take full strides and even walk short distances. Look for footplates with adjustable height and depth for the ideal fit and support. Some footplates also have built-in safety straps to keep your feet securely in place when tilting or driving.

Other useful extras

Additional features like seat elevation for easier reaching, powered recline for pressure relief, and specialty controls like sip and puff or head array can further enhance function and independence.USB phone chargers and cup holders are also popular add-ons for convenience on the go.

With the right features, a standing powered wheelchair gives you the freedom to stand up for yourself throughout your day. Now isn't that empowering?


You deserve to live life on your own terms, with dignity and independence. Don't settle for an existence where you're always sitting down and reliant on others. Take control of your mobility and your freedom with a standing power wheelchair. These life-changing devices put you back on your feet so you can stand up for yourself in every sense. Talk to your doctor today about whether a standing wheelchair is right for you. It could be the key to gaining a whole new outlook and level of empowerment. You have the power to stand up for your freedom. All you have to do is reach for it.


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